New Kinship
New Kinship
#13 - Ordained, Gay, and Seeking Liberation: A Chat with Rev. Tyler Sit

#13 - Ordained, Gay, and Seeking Liberation: A Chat with Rev. Tyler Sit

David and TJ sit down with Rev. Tyler Sit of New City Church in the Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA. Tyler represents a “Side A” pastoral perspective as an ordained minister for the United Methodist Church in the US. In this wide-ranging conversation, David and TJ to seek to understand Tyler's perspective, his understanding of Side B, and his take on Side A hermeneutics, particularly those centered in liberation theologies. Tyler was an excellent conversation partner in this. We encourage our listeners to listen closely to understand one Side A perspective more carefully, and consider how a Side B perspective might engage similar folks.

(Note: We often use the terms “Side A” and “Side B” as shorthand. "Side A" generally affirms God can bless same-sex marriage and sexual relationships. “Side B” recognizes people experience same-sex sexual attraction while upholding the historic Christian sexual ethic of marriage between a man and a woman, and sex within marriage.)

Update: Check out our response to Rev. Tyler Sit and other Side A guests in episode #23 - ⁠Side B Response to Side A: Our 2022 Guests ⁠



02:19 - Tyler’s story: “I want to see God”
07:18 - Tyler’s story: Coming out, pursuing ministry
11:18 - The United Methodist Church’s approach to homosexuality
13:45 - Tyler’s story: Pursuing ordination, LGBT campus ministry
19:42 - Tyler’s story: Encountering other Christian perspectives in seminary
21:50 - Tyler on constructs for sexuality
25:51 - Methodist positions and tensions over the last (many) years
33:15 - A hermeneutic of loving God, neighbor, self
36:00 - Q: Why is the traditional/non-affirming perspective not persuasive to you? (Liberation theology, purity culture)
45:27 - Q: Why does the church need queer voices?
50:24 - Liberation theology: How does “the coming age” relate to sexuality right now?
52:39 - Suffering in the Christian life

1:03:30 - Early Christianity persecution and family models
1:07:34 - Where we diverge on humans’ design, power, and authority
1:22:26 - David’s experience with Tyler’s church, plus our initial experiences with community, coming out
1:30:35 - The use of tradition, authority, and “orthophilia”
1:34:45 - Differing ideological frameworks: “Empire” vs. “the world”
1:39:23 - Christendom, justice movements, and our relationship to the state
1:42:58 - Freedom and oppression, God as a parent, and centers of identity
1:48:46 - Benediction


Links and References

Tyler Sit’s website:

An article on the United Methodist’s “Traditional Plan”.

The Romans passage mentioned in our conversation is Romans 1:16-32.

Below are some links that may help make this conversation accessible to global listeners (inclusion does not imply endorsement, of course): The Boy Scouts of America (Wikipedia), Westboro Baptist Church (Wikipedia), ROTC program (Wikipedia), Hillel House (Wikipedia), Candler School of Theology, About Taizé prayer.

If you enjoy this episode or want to discuss further, drop us a line! Email us at, or leave a comment on Substack.

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